Friday, 3 January 2014

Light in Mid-Winter

Light in mid-winter is hope made manifest. The sun is sometimes hidden behind clouds but still the light comes. The dawns are late and so we appreciate them more. The temperature has been below -40 for days and days but the sun still makes its cheerful statements. The light is what makes me put on my long-johns, my triple layers of sweaters and vests, my goose down coat and wind pants and huge socks tucked into large boots, neck warmers, hats, hoods. All to get the feel of that sun on my face even for just a little bit. Then home for wood-stove, hot lemon and honey, a good book. An offering of a poem or two and the photos of course.

Some of my pals think the weather is too harsh and I might have to flee. Not so far. Perhaps by March I'll be ready to go and so I will. I will travel to Ottawa and do city things while waiting for the newest grand baby to arrive. I'll take saunas and have my hair cut and meet old friends in cafes for lattes. For now, I welcome solitude. Beauty abides and it feeds me where once my friends did.


  1. Jan - You've captured the moonlight so absolutely beautifully. And you're right; light is a sign of hope. It really shows in your 'photos too.

  2. This is like a poem. It soothed my soul.

  3. my dear Margot - that is the winter sun! And thank you Liza - I appreciate both you women so much!

  4. Got your note, glad to see you have moved to a blog, still think you should abandon that facebook but... I have this blog on my morning list now, just so you know that I am looking over your shoulder and considering the possibilities. Yes, yes, yes! Have been waiting for you to make the decision, this Labrador trip is a moment in life to be captured. Let's capture it. Wish you were here to talk. Stay warm.
